Certified Clinician
Our approach is based on evidence and experience. Physical Therapy+Nutrition+Technology

Parkinson Disease
Parkinson disease (PD) starts decades before you begin to notice symptoms such as tremors, difficulty articulating words or handwriting that is harder to write and for others to make out. Some of the mechanisms that underlie PD are explained in our blog post. Even though it’s considered to be a progressive disease, meaning symptoms get worse, through practice in our intensive program, we can help you decrease the rate at which PD progresses and give you some tools to better live with it. Some technologies we use include LSVT BIG, which is a system designed to increase the amplitude of your movements (i.e. make you move more like you used to). We also offer testing to determine your levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine and can help coordinate with your neurologist to optimize their levels and give your body the best chance at moving better; whether it’s walking, dressing, eating or teeing off at the golf course.
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We offer fixed monthly payment plans and also accept FSA/HSA cards.